This chapter is here so I can name the names of people who have performed above and beyond the call of duty in localising endless versions of FinderPop, isolating weird bugs, coming up with stonkingly good suggestions, indulging in gross bribery, writing software I admire, and generally being good eggs, etc.
If and when FinderPop ever goes “Pintware” again (update 25-Aug-98: it is now!), persons listed herein are hereby entitled to click on the “I got turly a pint” checkbox and be dazzled by the bewildering array of flashing lights, rude noises and Macsbug crashes which result.
Note: names are in no particular order, just gotten from going over the first couple of thousand emails in my “FinderPop” email folder — of which there are over 8000 emails, and I reckon I’ve replied to nearly all of ’em, so now you know where my time’s going...
This bit is here for people who manage to piss me off, if you’ll pardon my French. (It takes some doing, but two people have managed it so far, although I don’t think they’ve noticed — how does 23 — yep, count ’em, 23 — fractious emails [to all of which I felt I had to reply] in one day from some miscreant sound?) Despite the almost cloying cheerfulness / friendliness of the replies I send to these people, I can only maintain a cheerful facade for so long without resisting the urge to get some form of revenge by including anagrams of their names here. Since they definitely don’t read manuals,they’ll never know…
29 April 1998: I think it’s only fair to start with a clean sheet. You have been warned :-)
27-October-1998: GeoCities gets a prominent position here for their no-warning deletion of my entire website and email address last Saturday. Apparently my site contained nasty stuff as the message which I received last night was:
Blithely ignoring my two emails as to why this was done also raises them up an extra notch on my “first against the wall come the revolution” scale. Scona bliana oraid*.
*For those of you not versed in Irish (Gaelic) curses, this could be loosely translated as “A year’s diarrhoea to ’em!”